2 Ogos 2009.
Status telefon: Senyap
Kedudukan telefon: Atas katil
Status empunya telefon: Senyap
10:02 malam.
2 Ogos 2009.
Status telefon: Masih lagi senyap
Kedudukan telefon: Atas katil
Status empunya telefon: Like an angel
11.58 malam ke dinihari.
Ahad ambang Isnin.
2 Ogos - 3 Ogos 2009.
Status telefon: Trr...Trr...Trr sampai Subuh
Kedudukan telefon: Nun di hujung bilik
Status empunya telefon: Chanting mantras/cuss words
6.30 pagi.
3 Ogos 2009.
Status telefon: Masih lagi bergetar. Unfortunately, that little stunt I pulled last night didn't knock the battery out of the phone.
Kedudukan telefon: Dalam genggaman detektif muda keluarga aku. Kanak-kanak yang sedang melalui fasa curious, semua benda nak masuk mulut, semua benda dia nak kisai.
Kedudukan empunya telefon: On his bed slapping his Long John cos it's going to be weird walking through the kitchen with a morning wood while the whole family take a glance at his pants.
I've no business replying all of your text messages. I'm broke even at the beginning of the month so instead of spending somewhere between 1 up to 30 cents per SMS, lemme wrap it up and reply it just the way I prefer to settle thing with: free.
Kepada semua yang tahu apakah significant event berlaku pada hari ini, terima kasih.